Sponsorships still very much needed.

The upcoming surgeries, expenses and trip will end up costing me around $52000. I have been able to raise $35000 so far and I am currently short of around $17000. Anything that you're able to help with would be greatly appreciated!

The amount of $52 000 that I am asking for help with is divided up as $35000 for the trip to Ireland, which includes the actual surgeries, living expenses for the +- 2 months I will have to spend there for the surgeries, living expenses for my family while I am gone, and then the balance is for assistance to support my family while I get back on my feet after the surgery. The last time it took about 3 months before I could get back to work part-time, and another few months before I could work a normal day.
I feel terrible asking for your help and assistance to pull this off, but unfortunately I have no other choice at this stage. I am aiming to go as soon as I possibly can (depending on surgery dates at this point).


Click here to make a donation now




The Heroes.
Those who are already helping build our vision.

True heroes don't wear capes. True heroes are those who help others altruistically, with no expectation of receiving anything back.
True heroes are normal, everyday people bringing the light of goodness into the world.
To these heroes, I say Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
I would like to start by thanking Mr Arthur Cummings and all the staff at the Wellington Eye Clinic in Dublin, Ireland for the professionalism, warmth and exemplary care they showed me each time they have treated me, and the great kindness they have shown me by restoring my sight.
I am, and always will be grateful to all of them.
True heroes. Every one of them.

I would like to profusely thank each and everyone who sponsors this cause.

None of this would be possible without each and every one of you.