Friday June 28th ’19. 10th day in the saddle.
Total of 415.4km cycled and 11.46km walked over the last 10 cycling days.
Friday morning I left from Youghal, heading out to Cork. I was still quite sore from my spill the day before, but I felt that a good, easy ride would lubricate my muscles and joints, and get blood flowing to help reduce the swelling. Being Friday, and wanting to get into a motel for the Sabbath, I headed out around 10:00am. The day was very cool, with a headwind, clouds and light sprinkles most of the way. It certainly beat Thursday's ride though. Thursday was the hottest day that I've cycled in Ireland so far, with a high of 73f/23c. A heat wave in Ireland, and a warm winter's day in Florida. Plus, there were a few hills that really kicked my butt. They were so steep, I had to get off my bike, and push it uphill. On one of the hills, I had to push for a few metres, stop and rest, and then push again. It took me about an hour to push the bike and trailer 750 metres. It was a rough, hard, exhausting slog, that gave me a run for my money, but it really felt good once I got to the top. Although, between you and I, for that relatively short push, I grew to really hate that hill. Then again, I'm sure the earthen rise relished being hated. As we know though, "Nothing Great Ever Came That Easy". Admittedly, that's not my saying, I saw it on a sign in a shop window in Cork. The interesting thing about the sign was, that as I took the photo, this cyclist came out of nowhere and "appeared" in the reflection of the window. Talk about perfect timing. Serendipity at it's best.

I arrived in Cork along with a strong wind, a mild rain, and a feeling of euphoria tinged with nostalgia. I was really blown away by the ancient buildings, the history and the taste of delicious dust of millennia permeating the air.
On the way to the motel I was staying in, I stopped off at a few locations to photograph. It was hard for me to choose photographic targets, as I was in a target-rich area. I literally could spend weeks here, and still not photograph everything that would catch my eye.
Here are some of the photos I took of Cork:

The way I was feeling Friday, made it unlikely that I would head out on Sunday. I felt it would be better to give my body a rest for 2 days, before I started on the next leg of the journey.
More to come.
See you all on the next road.
Thank you for sharing Boruchi, we miss you lots but we are enjoying the vision of your photographs too.
Boruch, looks like your artistry is at an all-time high, wonderful work! I hope that the travels are treating you well and the path that you’ve chosen will take care of you. Wishing you the best, be careful my friend and stay true to yourself. I will look forward to your return in a safe manner. God Bless for the miles ahead!
Thanks so much Rick, I really appreciate it. And all the best to you to my friend.